How To Use Color Frequencies

Seven colors are divided into three categories: Warm, Neutral, and Cool.

Any Lumia Techniques practitioner is well aware of basic thermo grouping technique. The seven colors are divided into three main thermo groups: warm, neutral, and cool. Light waves carry energy that translate to us as visual colors. Our ability to interact with color frequencies is accompanied by our natural ability to receive and respond to thermo information. Everyone knows that Red is considered hot and Blue is known as cool. Green remains neutral as it is centrally position between the warm and the cool colors of the visible spectrum. Understanding this simple thermo grouping concept can open many doors for a color practitioner.

If you have a Lumia Science device such as Bioptron with color filters, you may find yourself confused about which filter to use when. This post is aimed at helping you gain better insight on the subject of using color frequencies for improving physical, emotional, and mental states.

Understanding the situation at hand is the most important part of practicing Lumia Science techniques. What’s happening? How do the doctors explain this condition? Which organs and glands are involved? Are there signs of something being overactive or underactive? The goal should always be to restore natural balance.

Each color has a direct connection to the body and its energy centers known as Chakras. These energy centers govern the organs and bodily systems. It helps to know this co-relation when making color decisions in hopes to help someone. We will discuss this further in our future posts. At this time, let’s focus on the thermo grouping concept.

Let’s look at some examples:

Pain! Where is it? What kind of pain is it? Let’s say it’s a headache or a toothache. Blue filter will be of most help in this situation as it will in a way act as ice, soothing and numbing the area with its cool vibrations. Applying Red in this situation would increase the pain by bringing more heat to already inflamed area. For the same reason, it is not advised to use Red near the chest of a person with high blood pressure. Red is known to increase blood flow. Green would be a better choice of color to stabilize heart rate and reduce blood flow. Speaking of green, it is very helpful when it comes to treating nose bleeds, scrapes, cuts, and even broken bones. 

Now what if the pain is a lower back pain that has been bothering a person for years after some sports injury? A red filter would actually help best in this case. The red frequency applied onto lower back will warm up the stiff muscles and allow them to regain elasticity reducing the pain as a result. 

Constipation! Things are not moving as they should. What could reactivate the functions of the lower intestine? Warm Orange can do the job! Project orange light onto the lower belly and expect restored bowel movement. Orange light can also make one feel more happy and sociable when it is projected onto face, especially the cheeks. Orange will stimulate the muscles used for smiling, resulting in a better mood.

Stress! Everyone can use some stress relief nowadays. Violet light projected onto the top of the head can significantly reduce the effects of stress in a person of any age in just a few minutes. Give it a try! Violet light is also known to reduce swelling and dissolve obsesses. Violet light has the highest frequency of all visible colors.

We could go on and on with examples, but the idea was to quickly demonstrate the relationship between warm colors Red, Orange, Yellow and their ability to increase activity vs. cool colors Blue, Indigo, Violet and their ability to subdue unwanted activity. Green is, of course, the main frequency of balancing and stabilizing.

Let’s recap: Too much action? Use cool colors. Not enough action? Use warm colors. Not sure how to restore balance? Use Green! It belongs in the Heart Chakra. It governs the heart, the lungs, and circulatory systems.

The original full spectrum filter that comes with all Bioptron devices caries all the frequencies of the visible spectrum at once producing a warm sunlight like beam of energy. This energy is made of all the colors we need to be healthy and happy, the warm, the cool and the neutral. The Full Spectrum filter is sure to deliver the most needed frequency along with all the others, so the body can respond to each frequency in its own way on the cellular level.